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News & Updates
Jul 11

Banana and Apple Chips

Naturally sweet, healthy and totally addictive - these baked apple and banana chips are also simple to make. It's the perfect snack.


2 apples

2 bananas, peeled

Cooking Method

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 90 degrees Celsius.

Step 2. Line 2–3 large baking trays with grease proof paper.

Step 3. Slice the apples and bananas very finely with a sharp knife and lay the slices on the lined baking trays in a single layer.

Step 4. Put the trays into the preheated oven and bake for 1½–2 hours.

Step 5. The apples will be crisp before the bananas, so check them after 1½ hours. The bananas may take up to half an hour longer in the oven.

Step 6. Leave the fruit crisps to cool on the tray, then transfer to an airtight container and eat within one week.

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