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Jun 18

Tangy Summer Salad

This delicious and simple salad is something you can make to serve with grilled or BBQ'd meat. Adding in the fruit and homemade dressing helps to get salad fussy kids over the line!


1 medium cos lettuce, leaves stripped and washed

1 large carrot, peeled and grated

1 large apple, grated

1 mandarin, peeled and segments halved (seeds removed)

1 small cucumber, diced

Handful walnuts, toasted

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

2 tablespoons mayonnaise or natural yogurt

1 tablespoon milk

1 tablespoon red wine vinegar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon brown or caster sugar

Black pepper to taste

Cooking Method

Step 1. Roughly chop the lettuce leaves and place in a salad bowl.

Step 2. Add the rest of the ingredients.

Step 3. To make the dressing; in a small bowl mix all the dressing ingredients together until well combined.

Step 4. Pour over the salad just prior to serving.

This recipe was provided by Georgia Harding. Georgina is a Naturopath with over 20 years’ experience and is also an author and passionate health educator.

‘I’m thrilled to be able to support this valuable initiative by helping families to create nutritious meals with the fresh produce in their One Box.’


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