With children consuming 30% of their daily food intake at school, what they eat during the day plays a crucial role in their learning and development. This is why Nutrition Australia has recently launched Healthy Lunchbox Week (6 to 12 February) with resources to help families build healthy lunchboxes.
Many recipient families report that The One Box empowers them to prepare balanced and nutritious lunchboxes to help their children thrive at school.
“It means the kids have fruit in their lunchboxes, which they wouldn’t always be getting. So, that’s made a huge difference. I’m just so glad that it [The One Box] is fresh food because you don’t realise how much better it is until you’ve had it.”
– Jill (Mum of two children in VIC)
We know that kids eating enough fruit and vegies helps them to grow, keep active and be at their best in the classroom. Last year, our team launched a dedicated program to provide access to affordable, high-quality fresh and nutritious fruit to schools and childcare centres across Australia.
For just 30 cents per piece, The One Box fruit is perfect for after-school programs, breakfast and homework clubs and other healthy eating and wellbeing initiatives. We source high-quality fruit direct from Australian farmers, ensuring it’s always fresh and at its best.
If you’d like to speak to us or to arrange a free sampling box, please email info@theonebox.org.au or call 1300 294 466.